Property Details

1 - Have you identified a property for which you require a Guarantor?
If you have applied for a RentGuarantor with a property arranged this is your opportunity to input those details. For further information of the necessary details click here. If you have not you will only be asked to enter the rental budget you wish to be assessed for. This will then generate a quote that will be displayed on your dashboard when your application has been submitted

If you have clicked ‘YES’ as the answer to the previous question you will open up a section that asks for the following details:
2 - New Property Address – The full address of the property you need a guarantor for. This should include property number, street name and town.
3 - County – Select the county in which the property is situated in from the drop-down menu
4 - Postcode - The last part of your address consisting of letters and numbers (e.g. AB12 3CC)
5 - New Rental Amount PCM - The total rental amount you are responsible for. If you are sharing this is your total share of the rent.
6 - Landlord/Agent Contact Name – The specific person you have been dealing with to be contacted
7 - Agent Company Name - The business name of your Agent
8 - Landlord/Agent Tel Number - The full and correct number which is best to reach your Landlord/Estate Agent on.
9 - Landlord/Agent Email - The full and correct email address which is best to reach your Landlord/Estate Agent by.

10 - Confirm Landlord/Agent Email - The same email address previously entered to ensure it is correct.

Once you've completed the initial application you'll be able to submit it to RentGuarantor for review. If you're here as the application has been approved you can move onto the next step here.

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