Personal Details

1 - Have you been previously guaranteed by If you have completed a previous application, meaning all contracts have signed and payment had been received, and acted as your Guarantor for a property then click yes. If not then click no.

2 - Are you sharing this property with another person who will also be named on the Tenancy Agreement? Please note this only applies to adults and does not apply to children: If you are sharing the property with another person who will also be named on your Tenancy Agreement and therefore be responsible for rent click yes. If you are not sharing or will be the only person named on the tenancy agreement and therefore responsible for all rent then click no. For further details of how the process works if you are sharing click here.

3 - First Name: Your first given name in full as shown on your documents. Please note this must be your own name and you can’t make a joint application through the same form. If you are sharing answer yes to the previous question and click here.

4 - Last Name: Your surname in full as shown on your documents.

5 - Date of Birth: The day, month and year that you born, as shown on your documents.

6 - Current Address: The current address where you are living. This will be the street name and property number at which you are living (e.g. 1 Main Street)

7 - Town: The town in which you’re currently living.

8 - Postcode: The last part of your address consisting of letters and numbers (e.g. AB12 3CC)

9 - Country: The country you are currently residing in (e.g. United Kingdom)

10 - Dialing Code: A sequence of numbers dialed to connect a telephone to another area or country (e.g. UK +44)

11 - Phone Number: Your full and correct phone number that is the best to contact you on.

12 - Nationality – The status of belonging to a particular nation.

13 - I all that apply: Select the current source/s of your income. Please be aware you can select as many as apply to your current circumstances and will need to provide documents to verify each one. 

  1. Select All: You are a student, employed, in receipt of benefits and self-employed as defined below.
  2. Student: You are currently studying or have been accepted to study and are receiving student finance, bursary, scholarship or parent funding etc. 
  3. Employed: You are currently working full/part time and are employed by a third party. 
  4. In Receipt of Benefits: You are currently in receipt of benefits from the government. 
  5. Self Employed: You are working for yourself and handling your own accounts/taxes.

14 - Monthly Take Home Pay/Benefits - Input your monthly take home pay/benefits after tax/any deductions

15 - Have you had a CCJ/IVA or been declared bankrupt in the last 6 years?: This question is asking if you have previously had a CCJ/IVA or been declared bankrupt in the last 6 years. If you are unsure you can check this by downloading a copy of your credit report which will show your credit history for the last 6 years. If you click YES click here for more information.

16 - How did you hear about us? - Where did you hear about our company? Please select an option from the drop-down menu.

To move to the next section, click on any of the following links if the Tenant is Employed, On Benefits or Students

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