Sharing the property?

Watch this video to find out what to do if you are sharing: 

At the start of the application process we shall ask you if you are sharing the property with another tenant:

If you answer YES to this question you shall be asked:

1 - Does this person(s) also need to be covered by the Guarantor?

As you have answered yes to sharing your property you have now been asked if this person(s) also need to be covered by the Guarantor. This means if you are sharing and both need a Guarantor your partner/flatmate will need to make a separate application which can then be linked to yours when processed, to see the next step please click here. If your partner/flatmate(s) do not need or already have their own Guarantors in place you can simply select no.

2 - Has your flatmate/partner already applied for a Guarantor?
If your partner/flatmate has already applied you need to answer YES to this question. 
If they have not yet applied, but will need to be covered by the guarantor as they will also be named on the tenant agreement please answer NO
3 -  First Name, Last Name, RG - Number: Fill in their first name and last name as well as their RG-Application number which can be found on their application dashboard.
4 - Extra Tenant: Click this if you need to add more than one additional Tenant to be linked with you application (ie if there is 3 or more tenants on the tenancy which all require our service)
To return to the guide, click here.

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